Saturday 24 August 2013

Dalit Students left School for ever due to discrimination

Jajpur: In the latest caste-bound controversy in Odisha’s Jajpur district,
over a dozen of dalit students left a government-run upper primary
school for good while registering their protest against the removal of
dalit cook by the school management.

There were in total 14 Dalit students of Gahirapala project Upper
Primary school in village Gahirapala under Dasarathapur block and all
of them under parental guidance availed school leaving certificate.

The school authorities had removed a dalit cook Janaki Jena from the
school, triggering discontentment amongst the dalit students and
parents. The dalit cook was replaced by a cook from the upper caste.

The head master and other teachers of the school segregated the upper
caste and dalit students into two groups to provide mid-day meal in
two rows for which many guardians of Dalit children protested against
the caste discrimination of the teachers for which they abused many
Dalit students and their parents, alleged a local, Narahari Jena.

For read more

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