Saturday 24 August 2013

What after 10th Standard/ SSC

After completion of my formal education of 18 years (including masters), I realized that choosing a career path is one of the most important decisions of anyone’s life. The career path should be decided solely on the interest of the candidate or by the parents who have found the actual interest of their child. The decision should not be influenced by parent’s occupation, parent’s interest, parent’s aspiration, job opportunity, family standards, family business, student’s score in particular subject, or anything else. Parents or guardians must understand the interest of the candidate in terms of his/her future goal, role model, what he/she likes and according they should suggest their child by providing various options to reach that goal. In the same time, they should also make the candidate aware of other opportunities, pros and cons, other various factors but they should not influence to go in a particular direction where they want. Parents must empower their child to make a decision but should not enforce them to a certain stream. Both the student and the parents must think from the long term prospective rather short term or easier career path. Effectively, a student should prepare for his/her aim from 8th standard but 10th standard is not so late to make a better decision. If they make a wrong decision then the child will wallow in the shallow waters of mediocrity and stagnation.
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