Friday 2 August 2013

Seven Wonders of the World

Ancient World 
>The Hanging Gardens of the Babylon 
> The Temple of Artemis (Diana at Epheus (Rome) 
> The Statue of Zeus at Olympia 
> The Pyramids of Egypt 
> The Mausoleum of Mausolus (Ruler of Halicamassus) 
> The Lighthouse at Alexandria 
> The Colossus at Rhodes – 912 feet high statue of Helos, The sun 

Medieval World 
> The Great Wall of China 
> The Porcelain Tower of Nanking (China) 
> The colosseum of Rome 
> The Stonehenge of England 
> The Leaning Tower of Pisa (Italy) 
> The Catacombs of Alexandria 
> The Mosque at St. Sophia (Constantinople) 

Modern World 
> The Great Pyramid of Egypt and the Adjacent Great Sphinx of Gizeh 
> Hagia Sophia (6th Century) in Present day- Istanbul 
> The Leaning tower of Pisa (Italy) 
> The Taj Mahal of Agra (India) 
> The Washington Monument, Washington 
> The Eiffel Tower of Paris 
> The Empire State Building New York City 

Natural Wonders of the World 
>The Grand Canyon, Colorado River, Arizona 
> Rio de Janeiro Harbour, Brazil 
> Iguassu Falls, Argentina 
> Yosemite Valley and the Giant Sequioas of California 
> Mount Everest on the Border of Tibet and Nepal 
> The Nile River, Egypt 
> The Northern Lights, Especially from northern Canada and Alaska 

New Wonders of the world 
>The Taj Mahal, Agra (Uttar Pradesh) India 
> The Great Wall of China 
> Chichen Itza 
> Roman Colosseum 
> The Statue of Christ Redeemer (Rio de Janeiro) 
> Incan Emperor Pachacutec (Machu Picchu) 
> Petra

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