Monday 28 July 2014

Some Important Years in Indian History

• 78: Saka Era started 
• 1191: First Battle of Tarain 
• 1288: Marco Polo visited India 
• 1398: Timur’s invasion 
• 1498: Vasco da Gama landed at Kappad near Kozhikode 
• 1600: English East India Company established 
• 1757: Battle of Plasey 
• 1761: Third Battle of Panipat 
• 1853: First Railway line opened
 • 1857: Sepoy Mutiny 
• 1869: Birth of Gandhiji (Porbandar) 
• 1885: Indian National Congress organized 
• 1905: Partition of Bengal 
• 1911: Delhi becomes the Capital 
• 1919: Jalian Walah Bagh Tragedy 
• 1935: Government of India Act passed 
• 1942: Quit India Movement 
• 1947: Indian Independence 
• 1948: Death of Gandhiji 
• 1950: India becomes Republic 
• 1951: First Five Year Plan launched 
• 1952: First General Election to the Lok Sabha 
• 1953: Mount Everest conquered by Tenzing Norgay and Edmund Hillary 
• 1956: Re organization of Indian states on linguistic basis 
• 1965: Indo Pak War 
• 1974: Pokhran Explosion (May18) 

• 1975: Declaration of Emergency

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