Friday 1 March 2013

Campaign JYOTI inauguration on 7th March, Please Join

India Media Centre is going to start an awakening movement through ‘Campaign JYOTI’.
The Campaign JYOTI is aimed at empowering the women and respect for them through massive awareness and signature campaign.
A nationwide campaign is needed to reignite India’s core values and traditions that respect and nurture women and children. This can only be borne out of consensus in society. Awareness amongst men of the scope of this issue is critical. Men who turn a blind eye to such brutal acts in their own neighborhoods, communities and families are just as culpable as those that perpetrate these acts. Action from courts and police will not suffice if the community remains defiantly opposed to change.
First they have started this campaign in Odisha. Awareness medium like leaflets, posters etc. are being used for a strong impact on public mind. They are swearing in never to commit, never to involve, never to excuse, and never to remain silent, about violence against women, female feoticide, gender inequality, domestic violence and harassment at workplace.
This campaign is being organized school/colleges, cities and villages. In many places, door to door campaign is being organized by the volunteers of the campaign. They are approaching various organizations, students and youth leaders, social activists and women activists to join this campaign.
This campaign takes help of media for wide coverage and publicity, so that large numbers of people join the Campaign JYOTI.
On March 7, 2013 (on eve of International Women Day) the inauguration of Campaign JYOTI will be held at Jaydev Bhawan, Bhubaneswar.
So, kindly take part and support the campaign and make it a great success.

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