Sunday 15 December 2013

“Fundamental Of Computer” Book now available

“Fundamental Of Computer” Book has been inaugurated by Dr. Satakadi Hota, Editor, Samay (Daily Newspaper) & President, Odisha Sahitya Academy at Kalinga Book Fair on 16th November 2013. Dr. Mohapatra Nilamani Sahoo (Chief Guest), Smt. Gita Hota (President of Kalinga Book Fair) and Mrs. Renuka Mishra (Secretary of Kalinga Book Fair) and Press Reporters were present. 

The book has written by Sounik Kajal Kumar Dash (HR Professional and Career Consultant) & Mandakini Priyadarshani and published by Indumatee Media, Odisha.

Sounik Kajal Kumar Dash, writer of the book said, in today’s world, computers have become an integral part of our lives; they are being used in every sphere of human activity whether it is at home, at office, or at play. Fields like education, entertainment, medicine, banking, and telecommunications have been greatly influenced by the use of computers” and also Mandakini Priyadarshani, co author of the book said, this pervading presence of computers has made it necessary for everyone to have a fundamental knowledge of the subject. Keeping pace with this trend, most of the universities and institutes have integrated the study of computers in their curriculum. 

The book has a new course plan and a carefully devised sequence of topics. This sequencing is a very difficult task in computer fundamental. The book has been written to meet the requirement of the modern curriculum, and it presents the fundamentals of computers in a format that is easy to understand. Fundamental of Computer is now available at book stores. 

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