Saturday, 1 December 2012

Scientific Instruments

1)Altimeter-Used for measuring altitudes in aircraft.
2)Ammeter-Used for measuring electric currents in amperes
3)Anemometer- Used for measuring the force and velocity of wind
4)Audio meter- Used for measuring the intensity of sound
5)Audio phone- Used for improving imperfect sense of hearing
6)Barometer-Used for measuring the atmospheric pressure
7)Calorimeter- Used for measuring quantities of heat
8)Carburetor-Used in an internal combustion engine for charging air with petrol vapor
9)Cardiograph-Used for tracing the movement of heart
10)Chronometer-An instrument kept on board ships for measuring accurate time
11)Crescograph-Used for measuring growth in plants
12)Dynamo-The origin of electricity in a dynamo is the transformation of mechanical energy into electrical energy
13)Galvanometer -Used for measuring  electric currents of small magnitude
14)Gyroscope- Used  to illustrate dynamic of rotating bodies
15)Hydrometer-Used for measuring the specific gravity of liquids
16)Hydro phone-An instrument for recording sound under water
17)Hygrometer- Used for measuring humidity in air
18)Lactometer- Used for measuring the relative density of milk
19)Manometer- Used for measuring the pressure of a gases
20)Mariner’s compass-Used by sailors to know the direction.the needle always points north-south
21)Micro phone-Used for converting sound waves into electrical vibrations and to magnify the sound
22)Microscope-Used for magnifying minute objects by a lens system
23)Odometer-Used in vehicles to measures the distance
24)Phonograph-Used for reproducing sound
25)Photometer-Used for measuring the intensity of light; a device for comparing the luminous intensity of sources of light
26)Polarimeter-Used for measuring optical activity
27)Pyrometer-Used for recording high temperatures from a great distance.
28)Radar-Used for detecting the direction and range of an approaching plane by means of radio microwaves
29)Radiator-Used in vehicles to provide cooling
30)Radiometer-Used for measuring the emission of radiant energy
31)Refractometer-An instrument to measure refractive indexes
32)Rain gauge-An apparatus for recording rainfall at a particular place
33)Seismograph-Used for recording the earthquake shocks
34)Spectrometer-Used for measuring the energy distribution of a particular type of radiation
35)Speedometer-An instrument which indicates the speed at which a vehicle is moving
36)Spherometer-Used for measuring curvature of surfaces