Saturday 18 January 2014

The Techfest continues in VIVTECH

Bhubaneswar: 16th Jan’2014 was the 2nd day of ‘VIVYAN-2014’-the Techfest in VIVTECH. Five events were lined up for the day. 185 participants from 14 engineering colleges of Orissa joined the ‘Spirit of technology’ in VIVTECH campus.

In ‘COLISEUM’-an event for ‘designing cost- effective and hygienic water tanks” and ‘RETAINING WALL’15 groups competed in the CIVIL Engg. Laboratory.While VIVTECH bagged the 1st and 3rd prizes, GIET college bagged the 2nd prize.

The ELECTRICAL Engg. Deptt. organized the ‘ENELITY’,where 17 groups of tecno-crazy students demonstrated projects on ‘environment- friendly non-conventional energy’. Students of VIVTECH were adjudged 1st and 3rd while students from ITER were 2nd by a jury consisting of senior executives of NALCO and OPTCL.

‘E-Quenz’ was the name of the competition held in the ETC Engg. Deptt. 40 number of students from 13 engineering colleges of the state participated in this Two-tier event. GIFT college bagged the 1st prize, TRIDENT college 2nd prize, while ITER and VIVTECH were the joint winners in the 3rd position.
The Mech. Engg. Deptt. conducted ‘Robo-throw’ and ‘Robo-race’ events. Under the scrutiny of Prof. M.K Mohanty of OUAT, Participants from GEC college, GIFT college,CV Raman college and VIVTECH were adjudged the winners.

‘C-marathon’-a fascinating competition on computer technology will be held on the 3rd day of the Techfest.

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