Friday 15 August 2014

PM Narendra Modi greets Indians on the occasion of 68th Independence Day

Addressing the nation from the ramparts of the Red Fort, PM said today Indians, both in India and all over the world are celebrating Independence Day. As a Pradhan Sevak, I convey my greetings.

PM said that he salutes all those who sacrificed themselves for India's freedom. These days give us inspiration and they showcase the national character. This day can inspire us to take India to newer heights.

He also said that leaders or rulers did not make this Nation, nor did Governments. It is farmers, labourers, women, youth, seers, scientists who made it. All PMs, Governments have contributed. All Governments of the States have contributed. PM offered his respects to all of them and asked to walk together, think together, and make a determination to take the nation ahead together.

In his address he said, we are not those who want to move ahead on the basis of our mandate. We want to walk together with consensus. Want to take all parties together and we succeeded in taking Opposition together. Credit does not go to PM or Government but also to Opposition.

He said that even in one Government there were different Governments. It was as if each had their own Jagirs. One Government department is quarrelling against the other. Matters reached the Supreme Court too and asked how can we take India ahead like this. Government is not an assembled entity but an organic entity and he has tried to break down these walls.

He said there is immense skill in the people who are in Government and want to integrate their strengths. He said it is our duty to build an India that our forefathers dreamt of and asked us to think how our work is helping the poor of India. Lets think beyond 'what about me' and look at the nation.

Expressing sorrow over incidents of rape he said, our head hangs in shame when we hear news about rape. Parents ask about daughters but did anyone dare ask their sons. After all a person raping is someone's son. PM stressed on maintaining proper sex ratio in the country. He appealed doctors and parents not to sacrifice the girl child and maintain same yardsticks for sons and daughters.

He further said let us walk together, think together and make a determination to take the nation ahead. Everything is not for us; There are somethings that must be for the nation; Lets think beyond 'what about me'. To take India ahead the only ways ahead are development and good governance.

In his speech Prime Minister also congratulated the medal winners of Glasgow Commonwealth Games, He said our sportspersons have brought us immense pride. So many brought us medals and I am proud that there are several daughters too.

On communal violence incidents and existing casteism, he said sadly we saw instances of communal violence for long. Till when will this go on. No one has gained anything from this and they will only stall the growth of the nation. Law will take its own path but we need to take responsibility to bring our sons who deviated from right path to bring them back. With the gun you can make the earth red but if you have a plough you can make the earth green. Till when will we take others' lives. We have not got anything from the path of violence. Need of the hour is to leave the path of violence. Let us affirm that we will be free from these tensions. Just see how the path of peace, unity, brotherhood helps towards India's growth. Lets take path of Sadbhavana.

Source: All India Radio

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