Wednesday 16 October 2013

Human Rights Defender Forum Meeting for Disaster Response

Bhubaneswar: The Phailin cyclone has stork to the Odisha severely. A disaster response meeting has held by Human Rights Defenders held in Bhubaneswar today under the chairmanship of Sri Baghambar Pattanaik which attended by 17 leading activists of Odisha. Sri Dhirendra Panda, Convener, Civil Society forum for Human Rights and Pradipta Nayak, Convener Child Rights Watch and Pradip Pradhan, Convener Right to food led the assembly. Observance on opinion of participated activists from different part of the sever cyclonic storm “Phailin” affected area, following decisions have determined in the meeting for compassionate response. 
The death toll in Odisha mounted to more then 30 after 20 more people perished in seven costal districts of the state in the aftermath of Cyclone Phailin that also triggered a flood in Balasore, Mayurbhaj, Bhadrak & Jajpur districts. HRD forum ground zero report said, the casualties were caused by wall collapse, uprooted trees and in floods, while a large number of people were injured. The state government taking self self-importance saying it evacuated more than 9 lakhs people before cyclonic hit Gopalpur coast which is a controversial statement. The ground zero report of HRD Forum said the self-control people were rushed to the most of the cyclone shelter, schools & college buildings of their own. The cyclone ravage people said in Santospur GP of Ganjam block, Sisua and Nuagad GP of Astarang block, Bhubaneswar Munispal Corporation, Bamanal GP of Nimapada block that there was no supply of any kind food during the time of disaster in 12th Oct. They stayed with their families in the shelter hose with hunger to save their life from the terrible storm. 
About 14,514 villages in 12 districts have been affected, hitting a population of 90,60,4 81 given details of the devastation caused by the cyclone according to SRC and state government report. 

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