Sunday 9 September 2012


A.C- Ante Christum, Alternating Current
A.D- Anno Domin
A.I.C.C- All India Congress Committee
A.I.R- All India Radio
A.I.T.U.C- All India Trade Union Congress
a.m- Ante meridiem
A.R.P- Air Raid Precaution
A.G- Accountant General
B.A- Bachelor of Arts
B.C- Before Christ
B.B.C- British Broadcasting Corporation
B.C.G- Bacillus Calmette Guerin
B.Ed.- Bachelor of Education
B.S.F- Boarder Security Force
C.B.I- Central Bureau of Investigation
C/o- Care of
C.I..D- Criminal Investigation Department
C.C.I- Cricket Club of India
D.A- Dearness Allowance
D.C- Direct Current
D.D.T- Dichloro Diphenyl Trichloro-Ethane
D.L.O- Dead Letter Office
D.P.I- Director of public Instruction
D.I.R- Defence of India Rules
Esq- Esquire
Etc- Et Cetera
E & O E- Errors And Omissions Excepted
E.G- Exempli Gratia
F.O.R- Free On Rail
F.R.C.S-Fellow Of Royal Collage of Surgeons
G.P.F-General Post Office
G.K-General Knowledge
G.M.T-Greenwich Mean Time
H.H-His Or Highness
H.M.T-Hindustan Machine Tools
H.P-Horse Power
I.A.F-Indian Air Force
I.A-Intermediate In Arts
I.O.U-I Owe You
I.e-Id est,That is
I.F.A-Indian Football Associaton
I.A.S-Indian Administrative Association
I.N.A-Indian National Army

I.N.T.U.C-Indian National Trade Union Congress
I.P.S-Indian Police Service
I.S.T-Indian Standard Time
LL.B-Bachelor Of law
L.M.P-Licentiate in the practice of Medicine
L.I.C-Life Insurance Corporation
L.B.W-Leg Before Wicket
L.M.G-Light Machine Gun
M.A-Master of Arts
M.P-Member of Parliament
M.L.A-Member of Legislative Assembly
M.P.H-Mile Per Hour
M.C.C-Marylebone Cricket Club
M.B.B.S-Bachelor of Medicine &Bachelor of Surgery
M.E.D-Master of Education
M.I.S.A-Maintenance of Internal Security Act
M.L.C-Member of Legislative
N.B-Note Bene ,Note Well                      
N.C.C-National Cadet Corps
N.D.F-National Defence Fund
N.E.F.A-North East Frontier Agency
N.S.S-National Service Scheme
O.K-All Correct
P.M-Prime Minister
P.T.O-Please Turn Over                       
P.T.I-Physical Training 
Ph.D-Doctor of Philosophy
P.M.G-Post Master General
P.W.D-Public Works Deparment
P.O.W-Prisoner of war
R.S.V.P-Repondez S,ll Vous Plait
R.S.S-Rashtriya Swayam Sevak Sangh
R.B.I-Reserve Bank of India
S.B.I-State Bank of India
S.C-Supreme Court ,Schedule Caste
S.T-Scheduled Tribe
S.E.A.T.O-South East Asia treaty Organization
T.A-Traveling Allowance
T.T.E-Traveling Ticket Examiner

T.E.L.E.X-Tele Printer Exchange
T.M.O-Telegraphic Money
U.N.O-United Nations Organization
UAR-United Arab Republic
UGC-University Grants Commission
UK-United Kingdom
UNICEF-United Nation International Childrens Emergency Fund  
UNESCO-United Nation Educational Scientific and Cultural Organization
USSR-Union of Soviet Socialist Republic
USA-United States of America
V.I.P-Very Important Person
V.P.P-Value Payable Post
W.H.O-World Health Organization
Y.M.C.A-  Young Men’s Christian Association
Y.W.C.A-young women,s Christian Association
Z.A.P.U-Zimbabwe Africa Peoples Union  
Z.S-Zoological Society
Z.P.Z-Zero Population Growth

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